Protect against Sun Damage with a Night-time treatment.
If excessive exposure to sunshine does the damage, shielding your skin from UV rays has to be the No. 1 priority. That’s simple commonsense.
However, there’s a second line of defence – and it could make a big difference. It involves helping your skin restore the Vitamin A that’s been depleted by the sun. To facilitate this process, consider using a night serum that’s rich in topical retinaldehyde.
Retinaldehyde is one of the retinoids, which are converted by your body to Vitamin A. It’s gentler than more common variants, such as Retinol, but it has the same restorative effect. By using a product with retinaldehyde as its active ingredient, you’re giving your skin the opportunity to produce the Vitamin A it needs to retain optimal health.
Studies have found that retinoids stimulate the production of collagen, hyaluronic acid, and elastin. They are also an excellent choice for treating hyperpigmentation, as they help to inhibit the process of melanogenesis at multiple points. Retinoids also encourage cell turnover, bringing youthful, evenly pigmented cells to the skin’s surface.
So here’s our advice on UV protection and skin restoration: Think of it as a round-the-clock operation. During sunny days, use a good sunscreen to reduce the rate of Vitamin A depletion from your skin. And before you turn in for the night, make a retinaldehyde-rich serum part of your bedtime beauty ritual.
That way, you’ll be fighting skin damage on two fronts – prevention and cure.